Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My switch away from the Conservative Party is complete.

When the EU Referendum vote in the House of Commons, which was triggered by a national petition of the people, was abused by Parliament issuing orders from on high via a three line whip to oppose the referendum, I have seen the hatred and contempt in which democratic sovereignty is held by all three main Parliamentary parties sitting in Parliament.

It is this which finally has persuaded me to utterly abandon the last tiny spec of sympathy I had for the CONservative party in the UK.

I am now a supporter of UKIP Not for the EU stance, or their real promise of a referendum assigning real democratic accountability to a nation choosing to embrace our sovereignty, or relinquish it to a foreign power forever. No, I have looked at their manifesto and I am impressed at the breadth and extent of policies which they propose.

UKIP supporters are going to have to get used to tory charges of UKIP being a "single issue protest party". Sadly, the mentality of these types of tory is that party comes before everything. It comes before policy, insofar as to these people, they will enthusiastically defend any policy the party pursues, but would equally as vehemently oppose the identical policy if it were implemented by another party. It comes before principle, reason or sense. (labour have just as many people with exactly the same mentality).

When we are arguing against such a mentality it is difficult to breakdown the wilful blindness of one who is firmly set upon believing a certain point, regardless of fact or reason. They see UKIP as a threat and will only attack with the easiest lie they can find. They cannot understand that the only way to vote for actual right wing, conservative policies now, is to vote UKIP.

On immigration, crime, defence, environment, economy, tax and spend, education etc.... ONLY UKIP offer conservative policies. The Conservative party only offers labour policies, slightly re-written.

I think that the best line for those is to ask them to actually read the UKIP manifesto and then ask which of UKIP's policies from the following:

The Economy:
Budget & Regulation...
Enterprise & Skills...
Immigration & Asylum...
Law & Order/Crime...
Healthcare & the NHS...
Education & Training....
Welfare & Social Security...
Foreign Affairs & International Trade...
Energy & the Environment...
Housing & Planning...
The Constitution & How We Are Governed...
Culture & Restoring Britishness...
Food, Farming & the Countryside...
And lots of Other Specific Policies...

Is the single issue to which they refer?

If you really want to see single issue policies, you need look no further than conservative, labour or liberals for three parties which share the identical single issue of allowing the EU to decide upon:

Foreign Affairs Economic Affairs
Public Heath Transport
Justice Energy
Employment Environment
Police Farming
Social Affairs Fisheries
Immigration Law Enforcement

The EU is not preparing conservative policies in any of those areas.

Each of their next manifestos should simply read,
"We will do whatever the EU directs us to do!"

The sad fact is, as it currently stands, it is impossible to vote for conservative policies by voting conservative. We get re-worked labour polices. If you are a conservative in the UK, you cannot vote against the implementation of labour policies by voting conservative.

How do I vote for lower taxes? Lower spending? Smaller more responsive government? Less ridiculous, offensive, sexist, racist political correctness? Realistic policies regarding science and climate change? More democratic accountability at every level of government? Better policies supporting those in education who want to work hard and better themselves? Proper law and order policies, real punishment for criminals? and so much more besides?

The ONLY way I can vote for a national party offering me the policies I support, is to vote UKIP.

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